The Emerging Digital Culture of Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects


Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


The neoliberal globalization process accelerates the development of information and communication technologies in the postmodern society. With the process of these development there emerges the concept of digitalization. The traditional culture of Bangladesh is being replaced by the digital culture and mostly due to the influence of information and communication technologies. And in these cases web technologies, Internet, satellite communication throughout the world are playing the key role in this regards. The traditional culture like the celebration of Pahela Baishakh, Halkhata and other customs of the family life as well as kinship ties also has been reshaped due to the influence of virtual communication and digital technology. Now we are living in the era where the personal presence became lesser significant than that of virtual presence. In almost every sector like agricultural, business, governance systems are running mostly through electronic systems like e-commerce, egovernance, e-shopping and likewise. The digitalization of all of these sectors has both pros and cons. Digital culture is emptying the roots and displaces it with the hollywoodization and bollywoodization. Digitalization
saves time and money and promote better and quicker services thus accelerate the development of the country
but at the same time it has different types of complexities too. Throughout the present study it is trying to find out the emerging digital culture of Bangladesh along with its problems and prospects. The study has been conducted after reviewing the previous research papers and the statistical data regarding information and communication technologies from Bangladesh perspectives. And at the end some recommendations has been proposed in this study for the adequate and necessary development of the digital culture of Bangladesh for the betterment of the country
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-24
JournalJournal of Philosophy,Culture and Religion
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


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