The GDCCSR project promoting regional CCS-readiness in the Guangdong province, South China

Di ZHOU*, Daiqing ZHAO, Qiang LIU, Xiao Chun LI, Jia LI, Jon GIBBONS, Xi LIANG

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


Guangdong (GD) is the most economically developed province in China. The 3-year project "Guangdong, China's First CCS Ready Province" (GDCCSR) is aimed to provide a comprehensive review to decision makers on the necessity, feasibility, and roadmap for the CCS development in Guangdong (GD), which is the most economically developed province in China. This paper reported the outcome of the project after the first two years. Although GD is featured by light industry and high dependence on energy import, the CO2 emission from GD is large. Modeling shows the implementation of CCS has a high dependence on carbon price and will be functioning in GD when the carbon price exceeds 130 RMB. The CO2 storage potential is limited inland GD, but in sedimentary basins of northern South China Sea the storage capacity is large enough to store more than 200 years of emissions from LPSs in GD. The high cost of offshore CO2 geological may be offset by utilizing existing infrastructure of depleted oil/gas fields. This possibility is found in northern Pearl River Mouth Basin, which may be matched with a potential low-cost CO 2 source from a planned refinery on the coast, and these would make a good oppotunity for a demo project. Benefits of adopting CO2 capture readiness (CCR) have been demonstrated by modelling a planned ultra supercritical pulverised coal power plant in GD. These benefits will be enlared if planned a regional CCR hub. The project has paid particular attention on building capacity and raising public awareness on CCS. The China Low-carbon Energy Action Network (CLEAN) was established in 2010 and is the first CCS network in China. The CCS roadmap for GD is in the process of drafting, which will be a road map for CCS development in GD up to the year of 2030. In general, though 2-year's work the GDCCSR project has made a significant progress toward making the Guangdong province being CCS ready.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7622-7632
Number of pages11
JournalEnergy Procedia
Early online date5 Aug 2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
Event11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT 2012 - Kyoto, Japan
Duration: 18 Nov 201222 Nov 2012


This paper summarized the outcome to date of the GDCCSR project. We thank the Strategic Prosperity Fund of the UK Foreign & Coomm nwealth Office and the Global CCS Institute (GSSCI) for funding the project, thank the UK Consulate General in Guangzhou for managing the project, thank M. Andrew and B. Senior for supervise the project, and thank the Development and Reform Coimm ssion of the Guangdong province to support the project.


  • CCS rediness
  • Guangdong
  • Southern China


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