The Pandemic-Prejudice Link: A Test of Individual- and Country-level Moderators across 16 Nations

Arzu KARAKULAK* (Presenter), Nihan ALBAYRAK-AYDEMIR (Presenter), Rosamary AL-KIRE (Presenter), Itziar ALONSO-ARBIOL (Presenter), Moty AMAR (Presenter), Tugce ARAL (Presenter), Alexios ARVANITIS (Presenter), Michael BENDER (Presenter), Carmen BUZEA (Presenter), Maria-Therese FRIEHS (Presenter), Alexandros GKOMEZ (Presenter), Guy ITZCHAKOV (Presenter), Veljko JOVANOVIĆ (Presenter), Filipa MADEIRA (Presenter), Stefanos MASTROTHEODOROS (Presenter), Diana MICONI (Presenter), Sushanta Kumar MISHRA (Presenter), Pasquale MUSSO (Presenter), Nicole Russell PASCUAL (Presenter), Roni PORAT (Presenter)Niv REGGEV (Presenter), Wade ROWATT (Presenter), Rosa SCARDIGNO (Presenter), Riley SCOTT (Presenter), Rocco SERVIDIO (Presenter), Shanu SHUKLA (Presenter), Delia STEFENEL, Maria STOGIANNI (Presenter), Jaimee STUART (Presenter), Ergyul TAIR (Presenter), Zena TOH (Presenter), Jo-Ann TSANG (Presenter), Victoria Wai Lan YEUNG (Presenter)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023
Event19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology - Kraków, Kraków, Poland
Duration: 30 Jun 20234 Jul 2023


Conference19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology
Abbreviated titleEASP2023
Internet address

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