The reception of Kung Fu fiction : problems of register , problems of culture


Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


If I may, I begin with an anecdotal recollection from another time and place. While living in London, I had a window cleaner by the name of Mike Merry, a splendid Shakespearean name which may or may not be real. He was almost 7 feet tall, had a shaved head, ate only macrobiotic food and carrot juice, practised karate to a high level, and was probably responsible for burgling the house after my departure for Hong Kong. As he cleaned my windows, we would sometimes talk about God and the world. At every philosophic turn in the conversation, he would bow deeply to me, glaze his eyes as if blind, and begin his speech (intoned in a breathy Hollywood Asian accent) with: "Ah grasshopper. To know not always understand the wind that carries the feather of the gods." My formulaic response was varied (and at the same level of low wit) but invariably concluded with a "Master" drawn out in an equally breathy voice, but with a hint of skepticism.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Question of Reception : Martial Arts Fiction in English Translation
EditorsChing-chih LIU
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherCentre for Literature and Translation, Lingnan College
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9628279017
Publication statusPublished - May 1997

Publication series

NameMonograph series
PublisherCentre for Literature and Translation, Lingnan College


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