The significance of human resources management in Hong Kong banking industry: 人力資源管理對香港銀行業的重要性

Edward Y T WONG, Shu Wing TAM

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


The aim of the study is to examine the significance of human resources management in the banking industry of Hong Kong. A questionnaire was designed and sent to all the licensed banks in Hong Kong to collect the relevant data and information concerning the philosophy and practice of personnel management/human resources management in individual banks. The questionnaire was mailed to 165 licensed banks in Hong Kong basing on the list of banks provided by The Hong Kong Association of Banks. A total of 35 responses were received during 1990, representing a response rate of about 21.21%. Also, the methods and strategies employed by the PM/HRM practitioners of banks in dealing with the human resources problems of brain drain and labour shortage are also examined.

In our survey, it was found that most of the responding banks has the personnel policy or personnel strategies formulated in PM/HRM Department. However, most of the personnel policy and personnel strategies are short-range. Among the responding banks, less than half of them had their senior personnel staff directly participating in the corporate planning and decision making of top management.

In the nineties, it is anticipated that the banking industry will suffer more human resources problems in management than in the last decade. Most of the PM/HRM practitioners among the responding banks think that they can play a more crucial role in the management of people. Some of the major reasons are stated, and the possible areas are also specified. The general conclusion is that human resources management will become more significant in the banking industry in Hong Kong in the coming future.
Original languageMultiple languages
Pages (from-to)4-11, 42-46
Number of pages13
JournalHong Kong Manager = 香港經理
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1993

Bibliographical note

Bilingual in Chinese and English (中英雙語版)

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