21世纪初两个新型读者群 :《哈利·波特》中译本的接受史

Translated title of the contribution: Two new readerships in the early twentieth century : the reception history of Harry Potter in Chinese translation

Research output: Journal PublicationsArticle (Translation)


<chi>本文审视《哈利·波特》中译本的阅读情况,阐述了过去20年间在中国出现的两个新型读者群:一个是批评型的读者,另一个是自己从事翻译的读者,两者都在网络上发挥了他们的影响力。批评型的读者指出一些译本的错处,并加以修改;从事翻译的读者不理侵犯版权的指控,重新翻译及发布自己的译本。他们在译本接受的过程中强行介入,对翻译活动起了革命性的冲击。翻译研究必须把这些读者置于"接受史"的重要位置来考察。 <chi> <eng>This article studies the reading of translated Harry Potter novels in China during the past 20 years. Two groups of readers have emerged: critical readers and readers who also translate. The former group points out the deficiencies in the translated texts and calls for revisions. The latter undertakes to retranslate Harry Potter and upload new versions onto the Web. In this way they not only infringe the book’s copyright but also revolutionize translation activity. It is important that translation researchers now view these new readerships from the perspective of reception history.<eng>
Translated title of the contributionTwo new readerships in the early twentieth century : the reception history of Harry Potter in Chinese translation
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)2-8
Number of pages7
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • 文本接受史
  • 阅读翻译小说
  • 翻译质量
  • 《哈利·波特》
  • 网络译本


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