Values, research & confusion : whither education?

Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


Materially and supra-materially, individually and socially, education is perhaps the most potent agent in transforming life. While poor countries are still struggling to raise basic literacy rates, higher education in more advanced places seems to be going down a blind alley, or suffering from “affluence disease”. If traditional education laid stress on cultivating virtuous beings and responsible citizens, naturally leaning towards a whole-person, all-round approach, modern education has emphasized training in specialized expertise in the past century. Even institutions that champion what is known as liberal (arts) education are not immune to this distortion.

At the forefront and also a product of this educational model is the academic researcher-cum-professor. Consciously or unconsciously, eagerly or helplessly, this tensional creature has been drifting in the gap between qualifications and qualities, “professorship” and teaching, research and education, publication and learning, academic and intellectual activity. Aggravating these partly self-inflicted sources of tension and confusion are evaluations by management above and students below, externals pressures that often turn modern scholars into hostages. How many can still maintain a clear sense of direction and keep a sense of ideal? If they themselves are confused, what message will educators convey to students?

From teacher to student, the gravest problem facing education and society is a crisis in values. This seminar will explore some of the fundamental issues education needs to address today.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2015
EventThe Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015 - The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 1 Feb 201531 Mar 2015


OtherThe Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong
OtherThe Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015 aims to promote the sharing of successful learning and teaching evidence for “Emerging Practices: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education” by engaging colleagues and students to showcase their achievements in HKIEd. A series of Festival activities took place in February and March 2015.
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Bibliographical note

Invited Paper. Talk put on line at HKIEd webpage.


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