We Are Alive = 壞孩子

Ching YAU (Director)

Research output: Creative Works (Non-textual form)Film or Video


This experimental documentary are edited from footage recorded mostly by teens from detention centers of Macau and Hong Kong, and a welfare institution in Japan, who participated in media workshops led by Yau Ching. Against all odds they tell stories of growing up and 101 ways to stay alive. The teenagers use very basic media equipment to express their fears and uncensored desires and try to re-imagine their lives as meaningful, in a deadpan style and with constant references to popular culture they thrive on. This video allows us to not only gain a fresh understanding of these jailed teens’ fascinating life stories told from their unique perspectives and in their own languages full of playfulness and frustration but also captivates its viewers in a prison-like visual experience for us to emotionally and psychologically relate to them. It seeks to push its audience to reflect upon the impossibly contradictory environments our youths experience growing up today, the groundwork which makes up what we call “modern civility”, and the ways in which we have been, are, and could be alive.
Original languageMultiple languages
Media of outputDVD
Size101 min
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

粵語、日語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles.

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