Wind Bands in Hong Kong: Cultural Diplomacy, Social Harmony, and the Role of Music in Conflict Resolution

Ka Chun LIN (Presenter)

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


The impact of wind bands through military music in Hong Kong is profound. The development of wind bands in Hong Kong has not only facilitated the dissemination of Western music but has also served multiple social functions. One significant function is the promotion of cultural diplomacy and the enhancement of social harmony. Examples ranging from early garden concerts and military tattoo to the establishment of the Special Reserve Police Band during the era of World War I, as well as the participation of wind bands in various social events, serve as evidence.

This paper aims to explore how wind bands have evolved into political tools, assuming roles in national building and as modern symbols. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of wind bands during wartime, often engaging in morale-boosting performances for troops and fundraising concerts, with the aim of providing spiritual support to the allies and their citizens through music. The paper endeavors to offer a fresh perspective by examining the early contributions of Hong Kong wind bands in terms of their social functions and how they have addressed social conflicts while promoting social harmony.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2024
EventPrincess Galyani Vadhana Indtitute of Music International Symposium 2024: "Dreamland" Music: Conflict and Harmony - Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 21 Aug 202424 Aug 2024


SymposiumPrincess Galyani Vadhana Indtitute of Music International Symposium 2024: "Dreamland" Music: Conflict and Harmony
Abbreviated titlePGVIS 2024
Internet address


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